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The Last of Us series aims to be the best and most authentic video game adaptation of all time

The release of the The Last of Us film adaptation is imminent. already on January 16 we can join Ellie and Joel on their adventure. Just earlier this month, we got a glimpse of the plot in a new trailer. Additionally, we learned that Ellie’s original voice actor is not only appearing on the show, but also could play an extremely important role. In an interview, the person responsible Neil Druckman further details revealed.

The Last of Us series is said to be the “best video game adaptation” ever

In an interview with the magazine new Yorker spoke Neil Druckmanwho conceived and produced the series about the “Curse of the Video Game Adaptations”. In his opinion, many film adaptations are doomed to fail from the start. “Sometimes adaptations didn’t work because the source material wasn’t good enough. Sometimes they didn’t work because those responsible didn’t understand the source material,” said Druckmann in an interview.

Such a statement immediately evokes memories of the horrifying Resident Evil series out of this year. Let’s hope this adaptation doesn’t meet the same fate and survive more than one season. In any case, Neil Druckmann is convinced of this:

“Hopefully this will break the curse of video game adaptations”, said the Vice President of Naughty Dog. He firmly believes “this will be the best and most authentic video game adaptation ever.” To achieve this goal, they took a completely different approach to the series while respecting the original medium.

When is The Last of Us series coming out?

The Last of Us series will be released in Germany on January 16 on the streaming services WOW and sky. It remains to be seen to what extent the creators can meet the high demands of the fans and whether they succeed in staging the iconic story about Ellie and Joel.

Source: new Yorker

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