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The Last of Us: this is only the beginning, you are not ready! The multi shows itself

Naughty Dog gives news of The Last of Us Factions and discusses the future of the license. This is just the beginning and big surprises await you.

Almost 10 years since The Last of Us was released. In June 2023, the cult license will celebrate its tenth anniversary. On this occasion, Naughty Dog has published a retrospective of the series on its official blog. The opportunity to take stock of the numbers, to thank the fans, but also to give news of The Last of Us Factions, the long-awaited multiplayer game.

This is just the beginning for The Last of Us, an image of the multi

June 2013, Sony released what was to be one of its flagship licenses. The Last of Us marked an entire generation and the franchise is now about to arrive on the small screen. As the release of the TLOU series by HBO approaches, Naughty Dog takes stock of what fans are entitled to expect for the tenth anniversary of the game. We first learn that the franchise, and therefore all the games, has sold more than 37 million copies worldwide until December 2022. A figure that should certainly climb again with the public more casual who will discover the adventures of Joel and Ellie on HBO Max.

Naughty Dog had promised a few surprises for 2023 and some of them will be related to The Last of Us.” Even after 10 years, it feels like TLOU is just getting started. And this busy year will surely show you why he teases. While waiting to find out for ourselves, the Californian studio promises to give news of TLOU Factions, the multiplayer game, later this year. The project, led by Vinit Agarwal, Joe Pettinati and Anthony Newman, is intended to be a new, fresher experience of what the Dogs have been able to offer to date.

It will nevertheless be in line with the studio’s other productions with ” incredible stories, characters and gameplays” promise the teams. However, we will have to wait a little longer for more concrete news and a juicier overview of this The Last of Us Factions. In the meantime, the PlayStation studio has unveiled new concept art, so that fans have something to eat. Gameplay and business model information will be coming soon. So be patient.

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