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The last pearl of the most beautiful villages in Italy is located near Bari, a must-see for Carnival

Sammichele di Bari is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy not to be missed during Carnival – source

Entering the circuit of the most beautiful villages in Italy is an important recognition on a national level. It means being part of a prestigious tourist consortium that brings fame and tourists.

Or rather travellers, who are more focused on finding immediate and easy entertainment. But who want to try a leap into realities rich in uniqueness. It is an award designed for those localities that are not willing to disappear with modernity, but which are on the contrary struggling to defend a ideal of life in which beauty and care are inseparably mixed.

Puglia is full of treasures known all over the world, and from today the existence of one more is recognized. The last pearl of the Italian villages elected in 2023 is located near Bari. Let’s see which one it is.

Ideal for eating and drinking well

It’s about Sammichele of Bari and stands right on theMurge plateau, between landscapes of maquis and farmhouses. Some may know him for gastronomy. The so-called paw, in fact, it is a universally appreciated delicacy: it is a long rolled sausage, to be eaten strictly on the grill to bring out aromas and spices. Each butcher prepares it in his own way: the secrets also lie in the spirits to accompany the preparation, and capable of transmitting a different aroma. Without getting lost in technicalities, a stop in the village is worth it just to taste this legendary sausage, better if accompanied by grilled vegetables or melted cheeses. Do not miss the pairings with the red wines of the area.

The food and wine tradition excites, but if Sammichele entered among the most beautiful villages in Italy in 2023 it is also for its beauty. The white color of the stones of the walls and churches is one of the most evident peculiarities. The most interesting places of art are certainly the church of the Madonna del Carmine and that of Santa Maria Maddalena. The profiles of the churches speak of a Mediterranean history. We also go inside to look at some examples of eighteenth-century Baroque. Then we go out, and then let’s get lost in the alleys and squares, such as Piazza Vittorio Veneto.

The anthropic landscape speaks to us of an Italy fond of its ancient charm. Sammichele is surrounded by farms and scrub, the panorama is lost between ancient suggestions and the outline of the Apulian coast. Time moves slowly. And that’s what travelers like.

The last pearl of the Italian villages elected in 2023 is located near Bari

There are many reasons why a weekend getaway is worth it. Carnival is one of them, since historically the Sammicheline celebrations date back as far as the 1600s. The so-called festini, or rather the public and private masked ceremonies they celebrate this holiday. Until 21 February (Mardi Gras) there will be many unmissable evenings in the country. On February 18, she will be the godmother of the evening and at the end of the float parades the famous Valeria Marini. On Sunday, however, the traditional piñata will parade through the streets of the town.

Traveling is always a discovery. Those who can’t wait can be tempted to book flights months in advance, but it doesn’t always pay off. Then let’s broaden our horizons, because if winter is cold in Italy, there are amazing destinations an hour and a half flight away.

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