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The last time the Neanderthals saw it: Green comet comes very close to earth – this is how it can be observed

It was only in March of last year that scientists from the Palomar Observatory in California the glowing green chunk of ice that will be on our earth in the coming weeks fly by will. That C/2022 E3 (ZTF) could not be observed and documented beforehand, has a very simple reason: It takes an incredibly long time until it Sun circled once. The last time you see the ice chunk through a telescope could have observed, there wasn’t even that human civilization.

Now the comet is coming really close to us. on whole 26 million miles he feeds on it blue planet – that’s about 109 times as far gone like the moon. A comparable one perigee was for a time from 50,000 years ago calculated. At that time they should Neanderthals stared at the sky in bewilderment as C/2022 E3 (ZTF) appeared overhead. Although, the comet should definitely be a feast for the eyes, because it shines in a striking green, as reported by NASA, among others.

Comet comes very close to the earth – spectacle in the morning sky possible

the green bills comes from a molecule called dicarbon. This emits a green light as it decays in sunlight. But it is only in the so-called coma observed – i.e. the haze that immediately surrounds the comet. the tail of C/2022 E3 (ZTF) itself is white.

26 million miles are in cosmic standards a stone’s throw, which is why the ice ball soon too with the naked eye will be visible in the night sky. At least that’s what NASA assumes, if actually unpredictable block continues its “brightness trend”. The “Green Comet” reaches its closest point to the earth February 2nd to reach. But the best time to watch him is probably the 21th January being. Then it is new moon and the night sky particularly dark. In general, however, C/2022 E3 (ZTF) in the early morning hours will be particularly visible.

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