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The leader of Desokupa ‘threats’ Risto Mejide and Marta Flich: "Risto, you’re going to freak out"

The leader of Desokupa 'threats' Risto Mejide and Marta Flich: "Risto, you're going to freak out"

ANDhe program presented by Risto Mejide and Marta Flich, ‘Everything is a lie’, has been involved in a new controversy. This time, the scuffle has been with Daniel Esteve, leader of Desokupa. In the program, it was reported that Desokupa allegedly broke into the home of a 67-year-old tenant without a warrant with the intention of vacating it.

This news reached Daniel Esteve, who has quickly gone out on social networks issuing a statement to deny this news and, also, leaving a clear and forceful message in which he demands that the Cuatro program rectify: “Risto, you’re going to freak out. You have 24 hours for the mollusk (about Marta Flich) to rectify”, he affirmed. In addition, it also makes it clear that “we do not know the case, neither the client nor the lady.”

The eviction would have been carried out by another company

In said statement, Daniel has also spoken about the eviction: “It has been done by another company that we are not happy with in the ways that they proceed.”

In fact, news has come out that those who carried out this act will supposedly be the ‘Desokupa Brigade’, a different company from the one referred to in ‘Todo Es Mentira’.

Message also to ‘El Plural’

In the video, he also mentions this means of communication after a similar case in which it was reported that ‘Desokupa’ allegedly tried to illegally evict a depressed and invalid woman with breast cancer. After this news, Daniel Esteve sent the same message as to Risto Mejide and Marta Flich. In addition, he stated that if in 24 hours later, both pieces of information were not withdrawn, they began to sue for insults and slander.

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