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The legal world incorporates tools provided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Merca2.0 Magazine |

These days I was reviewing how little by little some tools provided by Artificial Intelligence (AI) are being successfully incorporated into the legal world. In other cases the debate arises again, we have seen notes in various media, due to some tests that were made with the ChatGPT it is thought that the work of a Lawyer can be replaced with a tool of this type. It is impossible for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to argue and make legal decisions based on evidence and facts Human Intelligence, that is, the very general mental capacity that, among other things, implies the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, understand complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience, this type of intelligence plus our ability to reason is not yet developed by any algorithm.

We talk a lot about Artificial Intelligence (AI), I listen to Lawyers who claim to be specialists in digital technology law and go to forums to speak, and make endless speeches about the wonders of Artificial Intelligence (AI), but they forget that just It is human intelligence applied to machines that should be precise when speaking, and that I have already written and I insist, in this column, Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is still that, no machine thinks by itself, yes they are in the stage of a constant learning of the human being, and when we ask ourselves why ChatGPT is free, although we already know that nothing is free, it is because each human being who enters and uses ChatGPT supplies him with knowledge and the AI ​​learns from us, that’s why this most recent instrument is considered a Pandora’s box of digital technology.

The other tool that is advancing little by little and it is expected that, in about ten years, thirty percent of the world’s population will live there, is the Metaverse. In Colombia, an administrative court held the first legal hearing in the Metaverse.

Office 01 of the Magdalena Administrative Court approved the holding of the historic hearing in the virtual world. Judge María Victoria Quiñones carried out this February 15 at 9 in the morning through the Meta Platforms Inc. platform. To carry it out, people used virtual reality glasses and some others who did not have this resource used a computer to connect. Hearing attendees were able to connect using the free Horizon Workrooms app.

During the hearing, related to a lawsuit involving the National Police and the Ministry of Defense, people used avatars to interact.

The verification and identification of the participants was carried out with the support of the ChatGPT, by requesting a combination of a username and a password. With this they could make use of a code sent by text message, verify identity through personal documents, request a digital signature, as well as use facial and voice recognition.

We enter the subject of facial recognition, but I will write about that in the next column.

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