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The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom is in hand all stamp: occhio agli spoiler!

After seeing permission from the European stamp of try The Legend of Zelda Tears of the KingdomNintendo of Europe sows to send the game to the newspapers for reviews, at least in some countries, through Portogallo.

Own your Reddit comes signaling the case of a portoghese dailylist Avvistato online own su The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. This will say that the copy review for the stamp is not state distributed or is in the direction of arrival, with possible spoilers as a result.

It is not exclusive that la distribuzione delle copy retail is in partenzai rivenditori potrebbero ricevere le loro shorte a breve, increasing così il rischio spoiler, of the rest I can copy the sounds in circolazione prima del day one and maggiori sono i rischi di anticipazioni non volute.

In this almost, ithe council is always trueIf you turn the possibility of beccarving to a minimum, avoid a spoiler in full rule, avoid using the social network and YouTube, limiting myself to following the channels and profiles that are absolutely safe.

Noi abbiamo giocato a The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom e I have reported our preliminary impressionsa tasty antipasto in attesa della recensione completa della nuova avventura di Link.

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