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The libertarian Javier Milei wins the primaries in Argentina and puts Kirchnerism in check

The libertarian Javier Milei wins the primaries in Argentina and puts Kirchnerism in check

In a country suffering from an almost perpetual economic crisis and with inflation at 115% year-on-year, speeches like that of javier milei they end up becoming a real alternative. Thus, the ultra-liberal economist has given surprise in the primary elections held in Argentina and has prevailed as the candidate with the most votes.

These elections, which serve to close the electoral lists for the presidential elections on October 22, were also a litmus test for kirchnerism, now represented by the current Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa. Unión por la Patria ended the night in third position, with 27.15% of the votes and its candidate recognized “a new scenario in Argentine politics.”

Between the victorious Milei and the third Massa stands the opposition coalition Together for Change, which obtained 28.24% of the vote and closed the internal struggle with the victory of Patricia Bullrichformer Minister of Security in the Macri government, who will be the candidate in October.

Triumph against ‘the caste’

Javier Milei entered politics in 2020 and in 2021 he managed to be a deputy after years of media exposure. His ultraliberal discourse and against “the parasitic political caste” has penetrated the population. His proposals, far from the ‘ultra-right’ in which the leftist media classify him, indicate the need to “close” the state minimizing public spending.

After knowing his victory in the primaries, the leader of La Libertad Avanza celebrated the results in Buenos Aires announcing a “new liberal revolution” and the end of a model based on the idea that “where there is a need, a right is born”, but forgetting that “someone has to pay for that right”.

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