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The libertarian who prides herself on her ignorance and gave her opinion on Malena Pichot’s pregnancy

The first contradiction is that a libertarian is not in favor of the freedom to decide over his own body, but perhaps that is to follow his leader, Javier Milei, who only uses that concept to justify selling organs.

But the truth is that María Celeste is proud of her ignorance and does not fully understand that a person who fights for legal abortion is not fighting for compulsory abortion, but quite the opposite.

Malena Pichot has been in a relationship for 10 years with Lea Lopatín and together they decided to have a baby.

But María Celeste also considers that being a feminist and being a mother are antagonistic situations.

And, of course, the networks tried to explain it to him, although it is clear that it does not make any sense.

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