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The literary premieres, written by Latinos, for 2023

With the beginning of 2023, literary novelties arrive and on this occasion, courtesy of the editorial Dharma Books + Publishingwe present you some of its novelties, authored by writers from Mexico and Latin America.

Most of them are novels, but there is also an example of poetry out there that, if you are one of those who seeks to get closer to this genre that is pushing to be more and more relevant in contemporary literature, you should check out.


What is behind a woman’s fascination with cleaning the rooms of a transit hotel? What fractures are hidden in a couple’s sexual games? What faults are kept in the tired eyes of an old general? The characters of these ten stories, written by the Sinaloan Mariel Iribe ZenilThey move between desire, apathy and suffering.


This writer’s novel LM Oliveiraborn in Mexico City, tells the forgotten story of a brotherhood that tried, in the middle of the 16th century, to establish a place where harmony would reign, taking advantage of the trips of Cortés, Magellan and Luis de Carvaxal. It is a novel of complex architecture and fine coupling, where the injustices of the past seem like an allegory of the Mexican present.


Maria Jose Ferrada, Chilean author, presents the story of M was different from that of any girl: her best friends were the traveling salesmen she met along the way while she accompanied D, her father, to sell Kramp products, with which she also built her first souvenirs. She knew everything about nails, hammers, nuts, bolts and saws, D explained how the stars were thumbtacks and how it was all planned by the Great Carpenter. Despite the contrasts, it was a healthy and kind world for someone her age. But one fine day that perfect scheme was broken and ineffable acts of violence were committed that went beyond her comprehension. After what happened, everything changed for M, leaving her with a strange emptiness that grew more each day.


How to unfold in an unknown and at the same time terribly surly city? Looking through the windows. Moving Detecting the minutiae in the ceilings. The lights at night. Sleepless neighbors with whom you share at least some eccentric and silent energy. The narrator of these pages, written by the Uruguayan Fernanda Trias, He faces the ravages of memory, men and death from the few spaces that the Argentine capital grants him.

Kramp; Maria Jose Ferrada


Continuing with the tradition of “Kill yourself, love” (Dharma Books, 2019), in “The Feeble-minded” The affective and family ties between a mother and her young daughter, who live almost hidden from the world, amid the abandonment of the forest, are strained to the limit. Argentina Ariana Harwicz he manages to elucidate a bucolic portrait painted with aggressive colors that make the viewer uncomfortable and at the same time capture him to the point where it is impossible to stop looking. The weak-minded is a kind of manual that introduces the reader to the feeling of anticipated mourning, the one that comes before losing a loved one and that is accompanied by the consolation that crying over pain offers in a mother’s lap.

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In this novel by the Monterrey Isabel Diaz Alanis something as small as a peach is capable of causing such uncertainty in Isabel that not even the most fascinating landscapes in the world can dissuade her from it.

On her imminent return home, where the reality from which she wanted to escape awaits her, there is the memory of a failed exam, family wounds and love disappointments that until then yearn for reconciliation.


This Mexican book Inti Garcia Sai, is more than poems are writings of the after. Poems after poems. Poems for when poems are no longer possible. Last words of a world already lost, about to become silent, from where the new words will emerge to name what is to come.

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