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The loss of reality of the climate stickers is revealed in a church in Berlin

The climate activists of the “last generation” have chosen a bizarre place to present their biggest wave of protests to date: the Sankt Thomas Church in Kreuzberg, a Protestant church in the middle of Berlin. At 10 a.m., the organizers of the protest group held a press conference to explain the cause and extent of the next planned disruptive action. The first blockades in the government district are scheduled to begin on Wednesday. On Monday, April 24, around 800 activists who have traveled from all parts of Germany want to “peacefully shut down” the federal capital.

“Shut down peacefully”? What a euphemism, what a denial of reality by the self-appointed climate saviors!

Because everyone has been able to see it over the past few weeks and months, and thousands of motorists have experienced it painfully: the “last generation” does not simply “peacefully shut down” traffic routes and cities with their dubious actions, they cause resentment and trouble with their brutal measures.

Drivers are now losing their patience more and more frequently. Various videos show that displeasure sometimes turns into pure violence. Kicking, hitting, or even stepping on the foot of activists is in no way excusable. But it shows that the adhesive protest of the “last generation” is not really “peaceful”, as the initiators always try to emphasize. Because it clearly causes discord in our society.

“Last Generation”: The supposed saviors of the world in a house of God – what hypocrisy!

It is no coincidence that the activists chose a church to present their Berlin sturgeon series. The effects of the climate crisis affected society as a whole and a church represents parts of this society, the activists justified the choice of location.

Of course, climate protection has long been a central task that no one in society can ignore. But the arguments of the activists are once again limping – and revealing their increasing loss of reality. Because the group has apparently still not understood that large parts of this society, for which it dares to speak on its behalf, consider the measures of the “last generation” to be completely unacceptable – and not as effective either. The supposed saviors of the world in a house of God – what hypocrisy!

Even Fridays for Future criticizes the radicalism of the “last generation”

How badly the self-perception of the protagonists of the “last generation” deviates from that of the vast majority of the population is now also shown by reactions from the climate bubble itself.

Representatives of “Fridays for Future” (FFF) reacted angrily to the recent road blockades by the “last generation” in Hamburg, which particularly affected commuters. “The climate crisis needs societal solutions. And we only find and fight for them together and not by turning people against each other in everyday life,” said FFF spokeswoman Annika Rittmann against the climate sticker – and is absolutely right.

Some Greens are now also talking about an “elitist and self-righteous protest” that is doing exactly the opposite of what is necessary in the current situation, “namely a broad movement in society for consistent climate policy”. So the words of Irene Mihalic, Parliamentary Secretary of the Greens.

Finally, there is also opposition from the environmental protection organization WWF. When a work of art in Berlin’s government district dedicated to the Basic Law was covered in black paint by activists from the last generation, WWF board member Christoph Heinrich spoke of “false symbolism”. And: “Here the climate protest is being done a disservice.”

Berliners should react to unreasonableness with reason

Such contradictions should actually give food for thought. But Carla Hinrichs, spokeswoman for the “Last Generation” apparently hides them. She explained in the Thomaskirche that the end of the protest actions in Berlin remained open. “It will continue until the federal government presents a credible plan for climate protection.”

Tens of thousands of commuters and residents of an already traffic-plagued city are now being sent into the mega-traffic jam. One can only wish that they remain peaceful – and react with deliberation and reason to the discord created by the “last generation”.

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