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The luckiest sign of the year won’t be Scorpio or Leo, but one that is often underestimated

The luckiest sign of the

Often underestimated, on the other hand, he is the luckiest zodiac sign of 2023. The stars reveal why, not without some surprises.

The new year has begun with a huge load of hope. Everyone is expecting a significant change compared to 2022, which seemed to start in the best way and instead gave us some surprises. 2023 seems to have started differently. Commodity prices have dropped significantly and people have more confidence in life.

A few small rituals would not be a bad thing to implement on New Year’s Eve or at the beginning of the new year. A propitiatory rite to do at home is to light a candle. The light of the flame always has a positive value. It bears witness to the spiritual energy that drives material situations. We could like this light a candle and remain silent for some time. Focusing on the flame, we think that this can be light and good wishes for the whole year 2023.

We could thus light a candle and remain

Few imagine the luckiest sign of the year

Indeed, all the zodiac signs are in line to receive a gust of luck from the astral Heaven. Scorpio and Libra are usually the luckiest signs. But this new year will make room for others that are more underrated. Capricorn will be one of them, but also Aries and the sign of Pisces. Probably the luckiest sign of the year will be the unsuspected Pisces.

It is no coincidence that this is a year full of creativity, typical of the sign of Pisces. So let’s put aside pessimism, the fears that sometimes grip us and block our legs, and let’s start running. This will be the year of optimism which will allow us to realize the wildest aspirations and those that have been thought about for some time but never have the courage to implement them.

A year full of love

Even if the beginning of the year will not be exactly the best, from March a gentle wind of passion blows for Pisces. Whether you are married and therefore focused on the good of a family, or you are single, you will experience very effervescent moments. Passions reawaken and opportunities flock to strengthen or to find new loves. That is especially in the autumn period when the leaves fall but for Pisces loves blossom.

For Pisces love

The work is booming

It will be especially in the spring period that Pisces will have the best opportunities to exploit in the workplace. Mercury will lend his hand and will above all enhance relational skillsnecessary to launch new projects and implement the necessary changes.

All this thanks to the presence of Uranus in the sign of Taurus. It will be just this Planet that often gives away the best and smartest solutions, also affecting Pisces. So let’s not miss the opportunity, but let’s seize the good fortune that with our commitment will be able to achieve all this.

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