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The Mandalorian: Time for your daily dose of Grogu

The Mandalorian season 3 is fast approaching and Disney is taking the opportunity to start video-based communication.

Whether The Mandalorian missed you, here is a new (short) trailer in the form of a teaser which however allows you to admire a lot of new images of what awaits us for season 3. With in particular combat on foot and in ships but also and especially with the lightsaber since it seems that the series still offers us some flashbacks during the Clone Wars. A good opportunity to finally know the origins of Grogu?

The Mandalorian finally back

Obviously as always, Grogu is cuter than ever. And THE good surprise is that in addition to the teaser below, Disney has also released an additional clip to get a double dose of “Baby Yoda” (see below in this news).

If we take into consideration The Boba Fett Bookit is actually season 4 of the mandalorian since the series on Fett is in fact mandatory to understand the outcome of the adventures of Mando and Grogu. In other words, you can’t miss it or you won’t understand anything. We reassure you even if it is of lower quality than the others, it is still a very good time to spend. Especially if you are a Star Wars fan.

Season 3 is scheduled for March 1, 2023 on Disney+ and it should logically be followed by the series Star Wars: Ahsoka which still does not have a precise date but which must also be released in the course of the year 2023. It is particularly awaited at the turn given the attachment of the spectators for the character both during the viewing of the mandalorian than long before, via the series Clone Wars. According to the first rumors, it should allow to see Anakin Skywalker and probably also Darth Vader.

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