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The “manteros” who sell cheaper books in front of the Publishers’ Fair: between illegality and dissemination

The "manteros" who sell cheaper books in front of the Publishers' Fair: between illegality and dissemination
Before the door of the Fair that brings together independent publishers, book vendors outside the legitimate circuit are concentrated. (Gustavo Gavotti)
It may interest you: Neither Borges, nor best-sellers, nor Nobel Prizes: the secrets of the Publishers’ Fair to grow year after year
Before the door of the FED, a group of informal exhibitors set up their stalls. (Gustavo Gavotti)
It may interest you: The must-sees of the FED: rarities, limited editions and gems to get the best of independent publishers
The FED inside: every year it summons more readers and in 2023 its duration went from three to four days. (Gustavo Gavotti)
Neither Borges, nor best-sellers, nor Nobel Prizes: the secrets of the Publishers’ Fair to grow year after year
The must-sees of the FED: rarities, limited editions and gems to get the best of independent publishers
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