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The map of illegal subdivisions in the Arroyo El Pescado wetland

Councilors of the Frente de Todos denounced this week that there are real estate publish land for sale in the wetland of Arroyo El Pescado, an area protected by ordinances 12,150 and 12,079, which generated a strong conflict with the government of Julio Garro. Where are the lots of controversy located?

The opposition presented a request for information in the Deliberative Council in which it denounced that “through the Zonaprop and Argenprop pages, plots of land with values ​​ranging from 8,000 to 45,000 US dollarsin flagrant breach of ordinances 12,150 and 12,079″.

The subdivisions in question are in Parqye Sicardi on streets 20 and 21 between 671 and 672; 14, between 670 and 671; 21 and 673; 671, between 11a and 12; 17 between 670 and 671; 20 bis between 671 and 672; 671 between 13a and 14; 670 between 13a and 14; 19 bis between 672 and 673, 20 bis between 672 and 673; 13 bis between 670 and 671 and 20 and 673.

The councilors questioned the Municipality because, despite this situation “advances with the opening of Calle 19 between 670 and 673, on the wetland of Arroyo El Pescado, contradicting Ordinance 12079, of Area of ​​​​Patrimonial Value”. The Municipality retorted that this authorization was provided “to improve the connectivity of the residents of a sector of the Sicardi Parkwhere homes were built for decades past and today require appropriate road infrastructure”.

The president of the block, Yanina Lambertiexplained that “when one travels through the Sicardi area, specifically from 670 to 673, you can see a series of real estate agencies that advertise subdivisions. This is completely illegal, because after 670 it is an area where it is established by an ordinance approved in 2020 that no construction can be carried out beyond 670 and that, if it is done, it must be approved. by the Deliberative Council”.


The Municipality of La Plata announced on Friday that it filed a complaint with the Justice against the illegal use of land in the El Pescado stream wetlandwhile also prompting a criminal action against those who violated the closures imposed by the Misdemeanor Court.

As reported by the Commune, the presentation seeks the immediate suspension of all the constructions that are currently underway in the area of ​​Parque Sicardi declared as “heritage preservation” according to current regulations. Likewise, it requests that any person with an interest in said properties be made aware that “they must refrain from carrying out any type of act on it” and requests both the restitution of the properties and the immediate removal of the works.

On the other hand, it requests the official clearance of the Police to guard the place and intervene in the event that attempts at irregular occupation are resumed, and also to the company EDELAP, so that it refrains from supplying energy service to the purpose of preventing illegitimate settlements.

According to what the judicial presentation says, the offenders were identified both as a result of neighborhood complaints and controls and operations carried out by the Municipality of La Plata. The occupations are located from 18th to 20th streets between 670 and 671 and also from 18 to 19 bis between 670 and 671.

“The works, occupations and tasks carried out by third parties are irregular, which leads to their immediate stoppage, suspension as removal of what was built and/or modified in the zone/area under their sole responsibility and cost”, says the text presented by the Legal and Technical Secretariat.

“We cannot ignore the fact that the El Pescado stream wetland has a heritage value of the utmost importance for this Commune, since it obeys environmental issues as well as recreational and educational issues of vital importance for all residents of the city,” he adds. .

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