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The markets are only just beginning to rally: the bull is back!

The rise of the markets is only at the

Our 10-year forecasts indicated that the first 27 months of the decade itself were important, and that in this time frame there was a high probability that the 10-year bottom could form. Many of our leading indicators have already validated this scenario. But what are the levels that could disavow this hypothesis, and what to expect in the short term?

The 2022 was a really difficult year for the stock markets. In fact, thanks to the specter of inflation and the rise in interest rates, and then the war in Ukraine, there has been a drop of more than 30% in some cases. In recent times, and precisely after the expiry of the setup on October 17th, prices have been moving upwards, and the trend tends to strengthen day by day. Are the markets just getting started? It could be!

A great predictive indicator

From a study of the historical series it is evident that the first week of January, and then the whole month are from barometer.

Positive first week, better all month could be auspicious for the whole year.

January could be

In addition to this forecast, we believe that the most important element for maintaining the trend ongoing since October is the estate up at the end of January of the following levels:

Dax Futures


Eurostoxx Futures


Ftse Mib Future


S&P 500 Index


The markets are only just beginning to rally: the bull is back!

This could be a safe scenario. Indeed, if history tends to repeat itself, October may have been a multi-year low. If this were the reality of the facts, the best technique would be to buy and hold positions in an asset allocation that would track global GDP.

Buy and

What are the levels that will keep the daily upward swings going for tomorrow?

Dax Futures


Eurostoxx Futures


Ftse Mib Future


S&P 500 Index


We continue to see no downside dangers for the time being. We’ll see what happens from now on.

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