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The menu that cannot be missing on the table for Carnival lunch

The menu that cannot be missing on the table for the carnival lunch –

Don’t know what to cook for the Carnival menu? These ideas could remove all doubts.

For the Carnival party, every joke counts, but not in the kitchen. We must always be at the top and surprise the guests. In fact, if we wanted to organize a Carnival party at home, we must immediately get to work and think about the menu and the recipes to propose. Let’s start with a simple and quick appetizer to make.

Fried dumplings

The gnocchi fried could be an excellent idea to propose for an aperitif. Making them is really simple and we will only need:

  • 400 g of dumplings;
  • fry oil;
  • 2 tablespoons of pecorino cheese;
  • 1 tablespoon of sweet paprika;
  • salt.

The menu that cannot be missing on the table and a delicious second course

Once we have the gnocchi we just have to get to the preparation. Let’s heat a little oil in a pan. Dip the gnocchi in the cheese and paprika and fry them. We wait for them to become golden and crispy. Add salt to the surface if desired. They can also be accompanied by sauces if you prefer.

First course idea

As a first course we can make some lasagna rolls. We’ll need fresh lasagna sheets and that’s it. The ingredients are:

  • 250 g of fresh lasagna;
  • 300 g of mince;
  • 150 g of cooked ham;
  • salt, sauté mix, oil;
  • bechamel.


First we have to go to cook the ground. Let’s take a pan and put a little oil with the sauté mix. We also throw in the minced meat and cooked ham. We let it cook. If we prefer we can also shade with white or red wine. Let’s fix the salt. At this point we take the sheets of fresh lasagna and cut them into thick strips. We put in a little béchamel and the minced meat and roll up. Then put everything in a pan and pour the remaining béchamel on top. We bake in the oven 180 degrees for about 20 minutesthe.


For the second we could propose the accordion potatoes. We will need:

  • 4 potatoes;
  • 100 g of smoked bacon;
  • Salt, oil and rosemary.

We take the potatoes, wash them and peel them. We engrave with the knife making strips, without reaching the bottom of the potato. In the pockets that will have formed put in the smoked bacon. Sprinkle a little salt, rosemary and a drizzle of oil on top. We put in the oven at 190 degrees for 40 minutes approximately, until the potato will not be soft. We serve when they are still piping hot.


For dessert we just have to serve the classic Carnival chiacchiere. I’m a dessert that is snapped up not only in pastry shops but also in supermarkets. Alternatively, one could think of preparing the cream pancakes, another typical and very good dessert of this period. This is truly the menu that cannot be missed on the table. Once we have chosen the menu, it will only be enough to embellish the room, choose the theme of the party and wait for the guests to be happy with the dinner or lunch, which will certainly be mouth-watering.

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