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The message: The investigation into the restaurant fire in Karlshamn is closed

It was on the night of Saturday January 7 that a violent fire broke out broke out in the restaurant. Several residents in the building had to leave their homes and the restaurant was completely destroyed.

According to the police, the cause of the fire was unclear, but a report of arson was made.

“Going Nowhere”

Now, just two weeks after the fire, the police announce that the investigation is closed. The reason is that there is no information that makes anyone suspect of a crime, and that there is therefore a lack of relevant investigative measures to take.

– We’re not getting anywhere. We have no witness statements or traces from the technical investigation to go on, says Thomas Johansson.

Should new information come to light, the case can be reopened.

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Owner Jwan Ali wants to rebuild Restaurang Terrassen in Karlshamn, after the weekend’s devastating fire. Photo: Jerker Hagman/SVT
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