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The moment when Bullrich recognizes the poster that later appeared in the bus protest

After the ferocious beating of the minister of Kicillof in the mobilization of the bus drivers for the death of Daniel Barrientos in La Matanza, the photo of a very particular banner began to go viral.

“They took so much from us that they took away our fear,” says this poster that began to circulate on social networks because it was seen in the bus drivers’ protest, but turning to the archive, it was also seen in an act by Patricia Bullrich.

It was during a meeting with women precisely in La Matanza that the poster appeared, in an act where Bullrich was the main protagonist and speaker.

That is why the networks began to talk about coincidences, infiltrators and all kinds of suspicions, why the cartel raised many suspicions. But now a video has appeared that reaffirms the existence of the poster and its importance for the owner of the Pro.

In the images, Bullrich reads the poster and highlights the importance it has for her.

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