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The Moon is moving away from Earth. What are the risks?

The Earth and the Moon are part of the planetary dance that is recorded in the Solar System that we inhabit The orbital route is fulfilled to the letter during each second that elapses in our existence.

However, the force of gravity that each celestial body registers causes them to move away from each other, slowly, without the naked eye being able to perceive it with the naked eye.

That is what scientists are for, who with their calculations and simulations predict what is happening and will happen in the immediate or distant future. Thus they have noticed that the Moon is moving away from the Earth; a phenomenon that although it will not affect us in the next decades or centuries, it will have an impact in the following millennia.

The Moon moves away from the Earth every year and the reasons are born in the gravitational attraction that occurs between both celestial bodies. This phenomenon is due to the creation of tidal forces that generate a bulge of water on the side of our planet that faces the natural satellite.

In the same way, this strange bulge causes a new gravitational attraction on the Moon, a reason that determines the gradual distance from our world.

This process is not perceptible on a day-to-day basis, we are clear about it. However, over millions of years it is surely going to have significant effects on the planet’s rotation, the days are going to get longer.

Based on a scientific report, specialists say that 370 million years ago, any given day in our world lasted 22 hours.. In fact, they go further into the past and record that shortly after the formation of the Moon (4 billion years ago) a day was 10 hours.

Such a gradual departure of the Moon from Earth is an interesting phenomenon that can have significant effects on our planet’s rotation. The “big splash” theory explains how the Moon formed and why its rocks are similar to Earth’s. Scientists continue to study this phenomenon to better understand how it will affect us as race and species in the future.

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