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The most famous YouTuber in the world proposes a change for Twitter and is now one of Elon Musk’s candidates for CEO of the company

Twitter appears to be on the hunt for a CEO to run the company. Elon Musk was in office and after undergoing a consultation on the same social network, his followers suggested that the job should be done by someone more qualified.

Everyone knows Elon Musk, surely he will continue to lead with the main ideas, but the position, perhaps, will be made by someone with less media notoriety than the South African tycoon.

It is possible that he even has more time to devote to SpaceX, a company with which he continues to shape his dream of traveling and colonizing Mars. As a result of the search for a new CEO for Twitter, several proposals appeared on the same social network.

The interaction of Elon Musk himself allows the ideas of his main followers to be known, to whom he answers without distinguishing whether or not they are verified or celebrity accounts.

The proposal of the most famous YouTuber with Twitter

In this sense, the proposal of MrBeast, Youtuber with the most subscribers worldwide, appears. This person is only surpassed by commercial or industry channels. As personal accounts, it is the one with the most followers, with a total of 123 million.

Through his Twitter account, in the midst of the commotion over the search for a CEO for social networks, the YouTuber asked: “Can I be the CEO of Twitter?”, a situation to which Elon Musk replied: “It is not out discussion”, leaving the doors open for the content creator on the video platform.

Following Musk’s response, MrBeast proposed: “My first order of business, make creators actually want to post videos on Twitter and not just link to other platforms” and the current owner of the social network said: “I couldn’t be more than agreement”.

The portal 3D Games review that this content creator on YouTube is known for making videos focused on people doing challenges in exchange for large sums of money.

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