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The most important 5 of the day

These are the five most important articles that you should definitely read today.

A quick news digest with the most important stories of the moment, so you don’t miss anything important.

Mudslide in Tschagguns

A larger landslide occurred on Tuesday night above a residential building in Tschagguns.

Forced marriages in Vorarlberg: “Didn’t know if she could make it out of the house”

Forced marriages are rare in Vorarlberg, but they do happen, counselors say.

Brutal brawl on the train: man kicked in the head

Two drunk teenagers attacked several people on a train.

A glimmer of hope after the landslide in Hörbranz

After the landslide in Hörbranz on Friday evening, Mayor Andreas Kresser reported a “gratifying development” on Tuesday.

Landslide in Hörbranz and halftime in the SPÖ survey

On Tuesday, the mayor of Hörbranz, Andreas Kresser, and the political scientist Kathrin Stainer-Hämmerle will be guests in “Vorarlberg LIVE”.

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