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The mother of the little girl, placed in an orphanage having moved the Algerians, explains

A few days before Eid el-fitr 2023, a moving video broke the hearts of Algerian Internet users. A little girl was throwing a message not without emotion to his mother on the occasion of the sacred celebration.

Following the publication of the video on social networks, several people were indignant at the situation of the child, and the decision of the mother to abandon the latter. The response of the person concerned was not done to wait for.

The mother of the little orphan Nourhane » Black you silence

Following the buzz encountered by the video of his daughter sending him a message from the orphanage, the little one’s mother Nourhane responded to the audience. The girl is currently staying in an institution for orphans and children born under X in the capital, where she was recently admitted.

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If she placed her daughter in an orphanage, she was forced to do so. This is what the young mother had to answer to the public in a video. It’s a investigating judge who ordered the placement of the little in an orphanage given the difficult financial situation of his parents.

“No mother would willingly give up her daughter…. I have 5 children, how could I have abandoned my daughter and kept my 4 others? “Explains the latter between two sobs. “I haven’t seen my daughter for 1 month, I spent Ramadan and Eid without her, I need the support of the people to get my daughter back, no insults”.

The grieving mother of Nourhane continues its fight to recover its daughter

The mother adds that she has requested a hearing with the court next Tuesday. Interview where she will try to convince the judge to restore custody of her daughter to her. She concludes by calling on the people to support her during this difficult ordeal, and to stop the messages of hatred towards her and her family.

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