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The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo against Justice for the unpunished death of Blaquier

Angry, disappointed, upset, but never vindictive, let alone resigned. However, in the face of injustice, they always raise their voices.

For this reason, the Association of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo published a harsh statement against the Argentine Judiciary for the death of businessman Carlos Blaquier.

Mothers Press Tweet

“The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo want to express our deepest disappointment with the Judiciary at the death of businessman Carlos Blaquier, an accomplice of the dictatorship,” the Association expressed through its social networks.

“We find it unacceptable that until today some ministers of the Court, magistrates, and officials of the Judiciary continue in their positions, who never even advanced in sitting on the bench of the accused a size accused for crimes against humanity in Jujuy “, completes the text of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo.

Blaquier was denounced for having participated in the organization of crimes against humanity in the province of Jujuy, in what became known as “The Night of the Blackout”, at the beginning of the civic-military dictatorship of 1976.

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