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The moving reflection of Benjamín Vicuña on the first Christmas without his father: “My soul is at peace”

The tender post of Benjamín Vicuña for his birthday (Photo: Instagram)

Benjamín Vicuña spent a Christmas Eve of various emotions. The Chilean actor received Christmas with his ex, Eugenia china suarezwith whom he had ups and downs since their separation, but with whom they put aside their differences to share the night with their children Magnolia and Amancio.

But it is a different end of the year for the protagonist of the first of uswho on September 8 suffered the loss of his father, Juan Pablo Vicuna Parot, who died in Santiago de Chile after a long illness. In those days, the actor was permanently traveling to the trans-Andean country, to accompany his father in his last days, and fired him in his networks with a text with a lot of catharsis.

Now, at Christmas time, those memories surfaced in the soul of Benjamin, who returned to his pen to mention Juan Pablo. Hands count, hands speak, are read. They can touch. Three months and I can still feel your hands, always impeccable, perfumed (I don’t know why), neat, ”wrote the actor along with a photograph entwining his hands with his father.

In his words, Benjamin spoke of the “father who defended me and also the one who told me: ‘Don’t study theater’, reason enough for that little rebellious Benjamin to place all his bets there, among other things, to go against you and fulfill my dream”, he continued, evoking for a while a trip to his adolescence, before connecting with the recent date of his birthday, the first without Juan Pablo.

The ever-present admiration of Benjamín Vicuña for his father Juan Pablo

“Today surely, as well as last November 29, I will miss your always punctual call, being the first to wish love and share affection,” he said. And again, he brought time to Christmas Eve, to that special feeling that is universal but at the same time each one experiences it with their own joys and sorrows.

“Today a toast is made especially for the birth of Jesus, but also for wishes and for the family, the origin of all affections. Today those who are here are toasted and hugged, children are entertained and excited, and gifts are shared, ”he listed. And he closed by returning to the hands of his father, those that inspired his story.

“Today too, it is inevitable not to look at the sky and think of those who are no longer at the table. Today I toast to you, old man, and even if they don’t believe us, my hands touch your hands and my soul is at peace”, he closed, and received the support and empathy of his followers, who displayed words of encouragement, hearts and I like you hugging mode Among them, that of Carolina pampita Ardohainhis ex-wife and mother of his children Bautista, Beltran and Benicioa way also to remember who his father-in-law was.

Benjamín Vicuña’s post to remember his father

It is common for Vicuña to resort to writing on these special dates to express her feelings. On November 29, when he celebrated his 44th birthday, he uploaded a photo from when he was little, along with some words in which he anticipated those mixed feelings that invaded him on Christmas Eve: “I have the memory of happy Christmases and others not so much, I have love in heaven and on earth, I have so much that I don’t know where to put it and I lack so much that I don’t know where to start. I want to toast milk teeth, stolen bicycles and lost passions. I want to celebrate life, which is a wonderful journey full of dangerous curves, I want to hug the boy in the photo and tell him: “Calm down, everything will be fine.”

Keep reading:

Benjamín Vicuña paraded for the first time with his children: Pampita’s reaction in the front row
Benjamín Vicuña turned 44 and celebrated with a moving message: “I’m missing so much that I don’t know where to start”
The heartbreaking farewell of Benjamín Vicuña to his father: “Today you hug your granddaughter”
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