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The Moyano union releases tolls for an indefinite period of time: why it takes this measure

The union led by the former national deputy did not abide by the mandatory conciliation and bowed to the claim of the bus drivers

By iProfessional

05/04/2023 – 17,44hs

Starting at 6 in the morning this Wednesday and for an indefinite period, the Single Union of Toll and Related Workers (Sutpa), led by Facundo Moyano, launched a measure of force as a claim against the company Autopistas de Buenos Aires (Aubasa).

The workers of the sector decided to launch a strike and abandon the tolls due to the “alarming degree of exposure to acts of insecurity suffered by the workers of the activity”. It is a claim similar to the one carried out by the bus drivers and which led to a strong attack on the Buenos Aires Minister of Security, Sergio Berni.

Tolls: Facundo Moyano’s union launches strike

On the other hand, the union headed by the former national deputy insists on “150 effectivizations for colleagues in the activity, added to 100 recategorizations in different areas.” “We know the reality of those workers who could see their quality of life improve by definitively leaving temporary contracts behind,” they added in a statement.

Through his official Twitter account, Sutpa warned: “Aubasa continues with a policy of job insecurity in a social and economic context that is increasingly difficult for the worker, with Greater Buenos Aires with 39.5% poverty. Offers of partial enforcement and refusal to recognize their rights in their entirety they prove it. It is really inconceivable that, from a company belonging to a government that calls itself Peronist, this kind of treatment is handled for workers and workers. Coming from the same entity that asked to be stripped of our trade union status, nothing surprises anymore.”

And with regard to insecurity, they pointed out: “We have constantly demanded improvements in the security conditions in our workspace. Pure broken promises. We are all aware of the insecurity problem that affects the province, but Aubasa seems to care little”.

Moyano himself assured that the claim of the bus drivers urged him to take this measure. “The claim of the bus drivers called us to reflection. We want more security for workers and users, which is why we warn the authorities of the province. We are not going to allow this,” said the union leader.

The SUTPA statement.

Meanwhile, toll employees began to gather at the Hudson tollbooth (southern area of ​​the Buenos Aires suburbs) starting at 6:00 a.m.

VIDEOS | The moment the bus drivers attack Berni

The Buenos Aires Security Minister, Sergio Berni, appeared this Monday morning at a protest carried out by a group of bus drivers since 7:30. They are colleagues of Daniel Barrientos, the driver of line 620 murdered in La Matanza, who decided to demonstrate in demand of security for the workers of the sector.

However, the City police had to act when the claim turned aggressive and violent. They began to fly stones and different objects against the integrity of the minister. Minutes later, a diaper with fecal matter fell on the official’s face. The entire episode occurred at the intersection of General Paz and Route 5, and was recorded by the cameras.

The attack, which included punches, kicks, and stones, occurred at the intersection of General Paz and Route 5, minutes after the official arrived at the scene. Berni ended up with significant injuries to his face.or and there were even moments when it seemed that he might lose his balance as a result of the beating.

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