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The municipality withdraws temperature reduction in Karlshamn’s schools

SVT told at the beginning of December how the municipality of Karlshamn lowers the indoor temperature in its premises to save energy and money.

It was about lowering the number of degrees from 21 to 19 degrees.

But now the municipality has abandoned that plan and will return to a higher temperature again, the Liberals announced in a press release after the party pushed the issue.

– You don’t work very efficiently if you wear a thermal jacket, gloves and hat, says Niklas Ek (L) to SVT Nyheter Blekinge.

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Karlshamn municipal councilor Magnus Gärdebring wears a scarf at work in the town hall, where the temperature has already been lowered. Ali Reza Ahadi, Mohammed Hussein and other students are preparing to wear outerwear indoors at Väggagymnasiet, where the temperature will drop to 19 degrees on Monday. Photo: SVT
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