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The national government analyzes granting a fixed sum of money due to high inflation

After knowing the inflation in April, which closed at 8.4%, and with the skyrocketing of the blue dollar, the demand for a fixed sum to help alleviate the effects of inflation on the salary of Workers. For this reason, from the environment of the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massathey ensured that the possibility of granting a fixed amount is “evaluated”.

“The context warrants it, it is being studied and it may happen”acknowledged an official close to the minister in dialogue with At the moment, it is not known how it will be implemented or who it will be intended for. It should be remembered that on Saturday, after knowing the inflation for April, maximum kirchner reappeared in an act in La Matanza and pressed again with a fixed-sum increase for workers. “We humbly ask our colleagues from the unions and the CGT that, although we all know that parity is better than a fixed sum, our people need a hand nowHe needs it now, to be able to face the abuses of economic power in prices”, the camporist leader said in his speech.

The claim was echoed by the general secretary of Canillitas, Omar Plaini, who regretted that the issue has raised differences within the General Confederation of Labor (CGT). “The fixed sum has generated a debate and a discussion within the CGT itself. We have not achieved it, we are in a minority, even though many organizations have been asking for it. There are sectors that do not make ends meet”raised.

Added to the resistance of a sector of the CGT is that of a part of the Casa Rosada, which opposes it. This Monday, the Argentine Security Minister, Hannibal Fernandezhe responded to the national deputy maximum kirchner: “The actions that are put into practice it is not breaking everything and without a way out, you have to do things in the best way. Of course, if it could be done, it would be done,” she said.

The possibility of a fixed amount increase had been rejected by President Alberto Fernández and the main unions because they argue that it “flattens” the scales. Until now, Massa has avoided speaking out, but those around him recognize that it is being studied and that “it might not be for all workers.”

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