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The Neighborhood Approach Police arrived in La Plata and will add some 300 troops to patrol the streets

In an act held at the Ministry of Security, new advances of what will be the Neighborhood Approach Police announced days ago by Governor Axel Kicillof were shown. The activity was led by the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Julio Alak, and the mayor of La Plata, Julio Garro.

“Today the Ministry of Security put into operation the new Neighborhood Approach Force (FAB) of La Plata, specialized in crime prevention, which will work closely with citizens, patrol the city’s neighborhoods and implement permanent security controls,” Alak said.

As specified by the minister, “the operational base of La Plata will have 300 troops, 10 patrol cars and 20 high displacement motorcycles.”

And he added that “with an operational doctrine of high standards of intervention and renewed equipment, logistics and communications, solutions and immediacy will be provided in the resolution of conflicts and the preservation of citizen tranquility.”

For his part, the community chief spoke of “prevention work, similar to what the local police did some time ago, walking in shopping malls, working at high-intensity red dots in the neighborhoods and doing differentiated work to what the police do every day”, explained Garro about the new area of ​​the provincial police”.

“I am one of those who think that putting politics in the middle of security or insecurity is a big mistake, we are all from Buenos Aires, we are all Argentines and our obligation and concern is that the people of La Plata live a little calmer,” added Garro.

“All this has to do with knowing who enters and who leaves the municipality to work more on prevention because it doesn’t work for them to come, steal and catch them after 3 days, it works the same, but I think it’s always better if things don’t happen”. In this way, progress is being made in terms of security, in the region and thus also in the Province,” he stressed.

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