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The new business of Cubans: the sale of Cuban pesos on the black market through Facebook and WhatsApp

The new business of Cubans: the sale of Cuban pesos on the black market through Facebook and WhatsApp

The regime’s imposition of zero cash has come in response to an unexpected business on the black market in Cuba: the sale of cuban pesoswhich is already advertised on social networks and WhatsApp groups and which operates through electronic transfers with a profit tax for the seller.

From the island, the activist for the freedom of Cuba Radimir Galán explains to América Noticias that he witnessed a Cuban retiree, as shown in a photo published by him on his Facebook profile, who was paid for this shortage of cash in a habanero bank thousand cuban pesos in coins of five.

After the harsh criticism from Cubans of the imposition of zero cash and the financial corralito to state companies and private businesses, banking authorities seem to continue trying to calm the spirits of the island’s inhabitants, repeating the message that this is not the end of the use of money in Cuba and giving the idea that much of the blame for this crisis would lie, above all, the so-called Mypimes.

The truth is that neither the criticized bancarization imposed by the regime, nor its messages to appease the discontent of Cubans, reduce the queues at ATMs, much less, the uncertainty among the inhabitants of the island that the authorities have a a real way out of this crisis with cash in pesos.

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