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The new Neighborhood Approach Police arrived in La Plata: what is it and what will it do?

Following the announcement made by Governor Axel Kicillofconfirming the creation of a new Neighborhood Approach Police, this Tuesday the mayor Julio Garro and the Buenos Aires Minister of Justice and Human Rights, July Wineheaded an act in which the mobiles that will be assigned to the new force that will reach the entire Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires (AMBA) were presented.

“Everything helps and collaborates, I think it is very important. Our city comes with a very big insecurity problem and I celebrate this because there is a Ministry that at least listens to us, cares, sees the problem”said the mayor of La Plata after the act held at the headquarters of the provincial Ministry of Security.

Garro released details about what will be the function and area of ​​influence that this sector of the Buenos Aires Police will have, and said that will focus on carrying out “prevention work, similar to what the local police did a while ago, walking in shopping centers, working at high-intensity red points in the neighborhoods and doing a differentiated job from what the police do every days”.

In turn, Garro was blunt and said: “The idea is that they do it in neighborhoods where crime is moving, it is not always in the same place and from there I think that the most important thing is that they will be able to work on prevention, we should see them walking, in the centers commercial, in the corridors, or by motorcycle or mobile. I think it is also important to note that no mobile phone that the police have today is affected. This is very important”.

The mayor of La Plata also stressed the importance of working together with the provincial government and the Ministry of Security, leaving aside any partisan differences. “I am one of those who think that putting politics in the middle of security or insecurity is a big mistake, we are all from Buenos Aires, we are all Argentines and our obligation and concern is that the people of La Plata live a little calmer”maintained the Communal Chief.


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