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The new Netflix series Lockwood & Co. wants to do without jumpscares for the most part

Also for the streaming service Netflix An eventful year is coming to an end, but 2023 already has a few surprises in store. From next year, the group will also completely prevent free account sharing in Germany. Also the Ghostbusters series Lockwood & Co. should appear on the platform at the beginning of the year. The special thing about it is that the series wants to do without jumpscares for the most part. In an interview, director Joe Cornish explained exactly how this is supposed to work.

What is the Netflix series Lockwood & Co. about?

The series is based on the book series of the same name by Jonathan Stroud. Be the center of attention three teenagerswho are in the middle of a worldwide ghost plague so they take action themselves and set up the city’s first all-adult ghostbusting agency.

Lockwood & Co. would like to do without jumpscares for the most part

In an interview with SFX director Joe Cornish reveals how he intends to create an atmosphere of terror without overly relying on jump scares

“We worked really hard on the lighting and the brightness, making sure all the stuff stays legible but just as often you’re staring into the shadows” said Cornish in an interview.

“I think sound is hugely important, as is silence. A lot of modern media is afraid of silence. But when nothing happens, those are usually the most interesting moments. We tried not to use too many jump scares. There are one or two that but we’re trying to create an atmosphere of creeping fear instead of giving people a heart attack.”the director ends his remarks.

When is Lockwood & Co. coming to Netflix?

The ghostbuster series Lockwood & Co. is scheduled to Coming to Netflix January 27, 2023. In our regular Program overviews you can also always find out which new series and films are starting on Netflix. Our program overview with all new releases for the January 2023 can be found here.

Source: gamesradar

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