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The New York Attorney’s Office and Donald Trump’s lawyers coordinate the terms for the former president to surrender to the authorities

New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg leaves his office after the indictment against Donald Trump (REUTERS / Eduardo Munoz)

A spokesman for the prosecutor who was in charge of the investigation against Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg, said that the New York Attorney’s Office and the lawyers of the former president of the United States are negotiating the terms so that the businessman who seeks to return to the White House hand over to the authorities.

“This afternoon we contacted Mr. Trump’s lawyer to coordinate its delivery to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office for the arraignment of a Supreme Court indictment, which remains under wraps. Guidance will be provided when an arraignment date is selected,” the statement said.

A New York grand jury voted Thursday to indict former President Donald Trump (2017-2021) in a case related to paying porn actress Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence.

Donald Trump (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)

This is the first indictment for criminal offenses against a former US president. It will be officially announced in the next few days and by then the Manhattan Prosecutor’s Office will have asked Trump to turn himself in to be cited for the charges, which are not yet known.

A few minutes after the accusation was made public, Trump issued a statement in which he reiterated that he was the victim of “a witch hunt” and stated that this decision “It’s going to turn massively against (President) Joe Biden.”

Immediately afterwards, he posted on his network, Truth Social, that the accusation “is an attack against our country of a magnitude never seen before (….) The United States is now a Third World country, a nation in serious decline.”

The grand jury, a body that studies cases and decides whether or not there is a basis for holding a trial, has been followed with great media attention since Trump himself assured ten days ago that its 23 members were going to confirm his accusation and immediately afterwards he would be arrested, which finally did not occur.

Until yesterday, it was believed that the grand jury would postpone its decision until the end of April, but the decision came as a surprise today.

It must be remembered that the grand jury’s decision comes on the eve of the so-called “spring break”, the spring break that usually coincides with Christian Holy Week and Jewish Easter, a few days in which many institutions close or work at half speed. .

For his part, The Wall Street Journal maintains that the grand jury examined in its last meetings – which are not public, so its content is only known through leaks – a second case of another Playboy model who also accuses Trump of having paid her in exchange for keeping quiet about a relationship sexual.

Model Karen McDougal, who was “Playboy Girl” of the year in 1998, says she had a sexual relationship with Trump for ten months in 2006, and struck a deal to publish his story with The National Enquirer in exchange for $150,000, but the newspaper – which is owned by a friend of Trump – bought his testimony to hide it.

The detail is important, because it would mean that the accusation of Stormy Daniels is no longer isolated and that there is a pattern of conduct on the part of Trump, which makes his guilt more likely.

So far, there have been no movements by his supporters to protest against the court decision, as he requested if this were to happen.

Former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen also issued a statement, in a very restrained tone, in which he fundamentally recalled two pillars of the law: that all defendants have the right to the presumption of innocence but at the same time said that he was “consoled” by the fact that that “no one is above the law, not even a former president.”

(With information from EFE)

Keep reading:

Who’s Who in the Donald Trump Investigation
A grand jury in New York indicted former President Donald Trump
After being accused, Donald Trump assured that he is the victim of political persecution
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