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The night service of line 18 returns in the Santa Rosa neighborhood of Lima

This Monday The night service of line 18 will resume in the Santa Rosa de Lima neighborhood. The decision was confirmed in the morning, after a meeting between authorities from the Ministry of Security, the Municipality of Santa Fe and representatives of the Automotive Tramway Union (UTA).

At the meeting it was agreed to implement increased police presence in the routes in those lines that assiduously register insecurity events, in addition, work will be done on the diagramming of safe corridors in the points identified as “problems” throughout the city of Santa Fe.

Also read: Due to insecurity, line 18 stopped entering the Santa Rosa de Lima neighborhood

Since the weekend, the drivers of company 18 decided to suspend the entry of the buses between 7:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. after the attack of two criminals on a driver and threaten passengers.

After the meeting, from UTA they confirmed that the portfolio promised to provide greater security both for the workers of line 18 and for those who make routes in compromised areas in terms of security.

Another meeting will take place next week to analyze the progress of the measures. “Today the service will resume, as long as the guarantees they offered us are fulfilled”said the Secretary General of UTA-Santa Fe, Marcelo Gariboldi.

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