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The nightmare for relatives of immigrants who died in a car run over in Brownsville does not end

The nightmare for relatives of immigrants who died in a car run over in Brownsville does not end

The nightmare for relatives of immigrants who were run over last May in front of a bus stop in Brownsville has not ended. One by one they continue to arrive to search for the remains of their loved ones who died during this tragedy.

The most recent to arrive in Brownsville was Luis Matute Vázquez, who never imagined that one of the Venezuelans who died that disastrous day was his brother Jeffry Matute Vázquez. To this day, the man cannot see the video of the moment the driver hit the immigrants outside the Centro Obispo Enrique San Pedro Ozanam shelter.

The man now has a mission, to bring his only brother back home, where his father awaits them. “He wants to see his son. whatI don’t know what to do? If you take the photo and send it to him, “adds Luis.

In addition to his father, Jeffry is waiting for five little ones who are suffering since their superhero was taken from them in minutes. “The youngest is one year and one month old and they ask me uncle what happened, they called you. They are already clear what happened…”, adds the man

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