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The opposition is critical of staffing at the hospitals in Stockholm: Operations are being moved forward

Since March 1 this year, no temporary staff has been employed at, among other things, the hospitals in the region. The governing parties decided to pause the booking of temporary workers, as they considered the costs to be too high.

At Södersjukhuset, roughly 70 operations are postponed every week due to insufficient staff.

During Tuesday, the opposition politicians visited Södersjukhuset, to discuss how the reduction in rental staff affects the patients. Hear the politicians’ criticism in the video above.

Robert Johansson (S), who is the regional councilor responsible for personnel issues in Region Stockholm, rejects the criticism and says that the rent freeze is necessary. Hear more in the video below:

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– The opposition is wrong. It is not a rent freeze but a reduction in staffing staff, says Robert Johansson (S), personnel regional councillor. Photo: SVT

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