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The owners of the luxury boats that owe $217 million in taxes go to trial

The collection by judicial means includes owners of important vessels, with a length greater than seven meters, who owe several installments of the provincial tax. On average, these are debts of more than $222,000. “With this measure we are recovering resources from sectors with high economic power, of evident tax capacity, to later turn them over to the construction of roads, more schools and kindergartens, health infrastructure and better services that allow us to continue expanding rights and transforming the Province”, explained Cristian Girard, director of ARBA.

Along these lines, he pointed out that “the government of Axel Kicillof finances all this with genuine resources, and from ARBA we seek to recover those resources among those who have the most.” “We want to improve the culture of tax compliance, and we give opportunities for the taxpayers can catch up,” said Girard, noting that “if they do not comply, we proceed with this type of inspection actions and then with collection management, issuing enforceable titles and, if necessary, seizing the accounts, because they are people who have the economic capacity to pay.”

In addition to these actions to recover debt through the courts, in recent weeks the Collection Agency intensified joint operations with the Federal Administration of Public Revenues to inspect nautical parks, nurseries and piers, in order to detect sports boats without declaring or intimidating who owe taxes

As part of this work, the ARBA inspection teams carried out an operation in a yacht club in San Isidro, where they detected three unregistered vessels and another 11 that registered a global debt of more than $18 million. That is in addition to the 65 undeclared yachts, sailboats and boats that were discovered two weeks ago in San Fernando, as well as the almost 600 vessels that accumulated a total debt of $40 million, also at a berth in that district.

In Nordelta, one of the towns in the Tigre district, nine unregistered large vessels were detected, another seven with debts of more than half a million pesos, among other minor irregularities in tax compliance. “It is important to continue working on tax compliance, so that those who own boats know that there is a tax to pay and a Collection Agency willing to proceed with judicial collection mechanisms if they do not show willingness to pay,” stressed the head of ARBA .

He added that in this sense “the AFIP does the same, also along the same lines, with those assets that are not declared in the assets to evade the payment of Personal Assets.”

The joint task of ARBA and AFIP on the nautical sector, and other high-income segments that register a high level of non-compliance, has already covered San Fernando, San Isidro and Nordelta, in Tigre, and will continue throughout the summer in municipalities in the north of Buenos Aires and the Atlantic coast.

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