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The PAN would have to see Xóchit

After the agreement for the PAN to have a hand in the election of the candidate of the opposition alliance in Mexico City, everyone turned to see Santiago Taboada as the most viable contender to take the flag.

The young mayor of Benito Juárez has managed a good government, which even earned him re-election by his neighbors in 2021, and many consider him the ideal. Furthermore, he belongs to the group of The Magnificent Five of the PAN, led by the deputy Jorge Romero.

His credentials are very good to face whoever Morena appoints, and in a city like Mexico, where the population is divided between aspirational fifis Y conformist chairswould be the ideal for the opposition.

But what would happen if the blue sighs they will turn to see Xochitl Galvez to steal even some followers of the 4T, since the senator has no tail to be stepped on. She has been a governor, a federal official and has a history that unites her to the good town. Originally from Hidalgo, she came to the Federal District at a very young age and settled in Iztapalapa, where she even sold jellies to help her family, pay for her studies and graduate as an engineer. From Iztapalapa to the world, she founded her own company and can boast that it comes from the culture of effort. Yours is a success story, so it could be a aspirationist admired by the popular classes.

She could easily enter Iztapalapa, where she would be seen as one of her own, and could even be an example for many women to follow, in an area of ​​the capital where they need the most support to get ahead.

A xochitl You could build the narrative of how a humble girl from the provinces arrives in one of the poorest and most oppressed areas of the capital and becomes a businesswoman, a federal official, a delegate in one of the most classists and today she is a senator. The chairs they would not see her badly and the fifis They would accept it without problem, since Miguel Hidalgo already governed them. She is a foul-mouthed, fierce woman with a record that her rivals could hardly discredit.

He is not a PRI member, a PRD member or even a PAN member, although it is with the party that he most identifies with; his issue It is that he does not allow himself to be manipulated and that he likes to make his own decisions.

does not belong to the current Rosemaryand that to many sighs it generates hives; prefer to Taboadawhich would not be a bad candidate either.

The issue is that, since the PAN has a hand, it must already make its letter official, so that things can also settle down below; that is, that the cake is distributed.


At this point in the game, no one has the slightest doubt that the Metro will be the downfall of the 4T in CDMX, since many of the people who sympathize with Morena travel in this system and they cannot be fooled with the story that the government invests a lot in its maintenance and that, if it fails, it is because there is sabotage. By the way, the prosecutor was quite solicitous Ernestina Godoy, initiating an express investigation into the incident on Sunday, in which two carriages were separated at the Polanco station. This is how efficient it would have been in the Line 12 tragedy, but since it is now part of a campaign to position the idea that the accidents are part of a plot against the 4T, it hurries. The bad of the campaign of the brown is that the photographs used to denounce sabotage They are from 2018 and the author has already claimed… DAY 32 and the case Cyrus still pending.

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