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The paranoia of “LGBT” colors wins over Algerians

The campaign against colors and signs that symbolize the LGBT community launched by the Ministry of Commerce is much talked about on social networks and therefore arouses many reactions in Algeria.

Indeed, as announced by the Ministry of Trade and Export Promotion, on Tuesday January 3, a vast one-week campaign was launched to raise awareness among economic operators and consumers about products that bear signs and colors that undermine “religious belief” and the “moral values ​​of Algerian society. »

And since that date, many teams across the national territory of this ministry are hard at work to carry out this mission.

However, since the beginning of this campaign against colors and LGBT signs, the reactions have not all been favorable to the Ministry of Commerce. Many photos and videos are circulating, showing representatives of this ministry, making sure to raise awareness to ban products with these colors and these signs. One video in particular has gone viral on social media.

The controversial video

On the video in question, which was shared with French subtitles, we can see several people, including an elderly man, who are in a primary classroom.

These people on the video are the members of a delegation pointing out each color of the rainbow separately by having the children rehearse before explaining to them that the collection of all these colors was a “bad thing”.

“We must not use them when they are collected. When we find them on sale, we don’t buy. Whoever has them at home should throw them away”, suggests one of them.

In addition, another member of the delegation explains this to the children: “Each color must be alone, separate. Blue, red not together”.

This video did not fail to react to Internet users, but also several well-known accounts and artists, who did not fail to denounce and mark their indignation at this video.

What we can also see over the past few days is that this campaign ended up creating paranoia among citizens.

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