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The Patient, the series that will keep you hostage this weekend

  • The Patient is available on Disney+ since December 14, 2022
  • A serial killer takes his shrink hostage to curb his murderous impulses
  • Scary, this is the ideal series to shiver this weekend

To our dismay, it is difficult to follow all the series that come out every week on the platforms. With catalogs that are enriched week after week, it is often complicated to be up to date. Above all, SVODs carefully choose the programs they want to highlight, even if it means neglecting certain nuggets.

Last week, we told you about our crush on Extraordinary on Disney+. This weekend, it’s on The Patient that we recommend you set your sights on. This distressing mini-series released last December on Disney+ plunges us into the encounter with a serial killer who would like to stop killing all the time. Yes yes…

To not give in to his impulses, Sam decides to go to therapy. Good news ? Not necessarily. Changes don’t happen fast enough for him. Therefore, the young man decides to take matters into his own hands to get better. And takes his shrink hostage. Everyone has their own way…

Thus, the therapy initiated by Dr. Alan Strauss turns out to be much more complicated than expected. Yes, when you are held against your will and chained, taking an interest in the troubles of a serial killer and helping him to curb his murderous impulses is not an easy task.

The Patient, our favorite of the weekend

If you like thrillers and thrillers, you will love The Patient. The tension between Doctor Strauss and his patient is extremely interesting, the duo being embodied by two brilliant actors. On the one hand, we find Steve Carell, as strong in the comic register as in The Office than in more tragic content such as My Beautiful Boy. On the other hand, Domhall Gleeson is utterly surprising (and chilling) as this completely lost and divided serial killer. The Irish actor notably distinguished himself in It was timethe saga Harry Potter or in the latest feature films Star Wars.

Thus, both therapist and patient are stunning and offer us an intense moment in their company. We experience a real emotional lift and we appreciate seeing the relationship of the doctor and the killer evolve over the days. As we go along, we especially learn more about Doctor Alan Strauss who has just lost his wife and the demons who follow him himself.


These tense therapy sessions distilled into ten episodes manage to keep us on our toes and it’s hard to stop our viewing. The fault, in particular, with a rather surprising format for this register. In effect, The Patient is composed of episodes of about thirty minutes each. This length is usually reserved for lighter series, such as sitcoms. Still, this format works for The Patient since as soon as an episode ends, we want to continue…

At the controls, we find Joe Weisberg and Joel Fields, the showrunners of the series The Americans which take us to meet Soviet spies infiltrated in the USA during the Cold War on Disney+.

For those who want to shiver this weekend, The Patient is the ideal series. With its short format and original plot, the series on Disney+ (Star) offers a moment of anguish that we love. The Patient is above all a detour for its impeccable acting and the tension they manage to build episode after episode.

Watch on Disney+

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