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The petition asking for the dissolution of the Brav-M classified by the law commission of the Assembly

This petition had collected nearly 264,000 signatures. The deputies of the presidential majority, the right and the RN were opposed to it being the subject of a debate in public session.

The dissolution of Brav-M will not be debated at the Palais-Bourbon. Posted on March 23 on the website of the National Assembly, the petition calling for the dissolution of the Motorized Violent Action Repression Brigade (Brav-M) was filed by the Law Commission. The committee “decided to close this petition at its meeting of April 5, 2023 at 2:30 p.m.”, can we read on the Assembly’s website. This Wednesday afternoon, nearly 264,000 people had signed the text.

“Brigade created in March 2019 at the instigation of the prefect Lallement to gag the movement of yellow vests, it has become one of the symbols of police violence”, estimated the authors of the petition. “Far from ensuring a return to appeasement, its action contributes to the increase in tensions, including against the police.”

Éric Poulliat, Renaissance deputy designated rapporteur, pleaded for the “classification” of the petition which called for “stopping the massacre”. “The word ‘massacre’ has a meaning,” argued the elected official to AFP. “It cannot be disputed that mobile units are a useful complement to traditional brigades, whose movements are slower”.

“The wrongful actions of a few agents call for firm responses,” he continued, but “the wrongful behavior of a few agents cannot lead to questioning the usefulness of the BRAV-Ms”.

The furious rebels

The day after the petition was posted, The world and Loopsider had echoed an audio recording of Brav-M police officers insulting and threatening young protesters against pension reform in Paris on March 20. The prefect of police Laurent Nuñez then announced the seizure of the IGPN (General Inspectorate of the National Police).

The Brav-M has also been the subject of much criticism from the opposition since the start of the mobilization against the reform, with the Insoumis also calling for its dissolution. After the announcement of the filing of the petition, the deputy of the North and Mr security of LFI Ugo Bernalicis denounced a “scandal”. “The final figure is 263,887 signatories in 13 days! The 500,000 were largely achievable, but by their maneuver, they did not want a debate in the hemicycle. They are dirtying democracy.”

In the process, Ugo Bernalicis called for a rally for the dissolution of Brav-M this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. in Paris.

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