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The Petro has died anti-Christianly

A war in peace

The Petro, a supposed cryptocurrency created by the misgovernment of Nicolás Maduro, was a corpse before it was conceived.

If the only thing they can, know, and what they like, is to destroy, loot, loot, prey, why do they even try to build something new?

That what is inherent in this class of digitized assets is their independence from government agencies and, in this case, the issuer and alleged guarantor of the bitcoins was none other than the narcotyranny in question.

That the latter, in any case, could hardly support the emissions of the new cryptocurrency with oil wells because according to the Constitution and the laws of Venezuela, all the hydrocarbon deposits existing in the national territory belong to the Republic, they are assets of the public domain and, therefore, inalienable.

Furthermore, in the 22 years that preceded the creation of the Petro, the so-called Bolivarian Revolution debased the national currency to inconceivable limits. Therefore, what investor, even half-serious, was going to place his money in a crypto asset supervised by such discredited people?

The closest antecedent of the Petro had been the SUCRE, another virtual currency supposed to be used in the regional compensation system, among the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance of the Peoples of Our America (ALBA). The only thing it “served” for was so that the mafia governments of Venezuela and Ecuador, then chaired by Hugo Chávez and Rafael Correa, respectively, would launder 300 million US dollars in cash, bill upon bill, and jointly with Colombian drug trafficking. They will launder another 400 million, advanced by the Central Bank of Venezuela to the Global Construction Fund (Fonglocons), Alex Saab’s company, – alleged ambassador and/or figurehead of Nicolás Maduro – for the acquisition of some prefabricated houses in Ecuador. Those real estate were lost, because not a single one of these homes appeared.

Petro’s death certificate had been announced in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The formal burial of the corpse in an advanced state of putrefaction took place last Monday with the closure of the premises that housed that center of corruption, so we proceed immediately to read the corresponding obituary.

Petro has died anti-Christianly. They invite the Biotic, the Bigoton, and the Man with the Giving Mallet to the funeral, very sorry; the generals who support drug tyranny; the beneficiaries of the Bubble of the Las Mercedes urbanization, Caracas; the smugglers of iron, bauxite, gold, coltan, and diamonds, plundered from the Arco Minero, including Mr. Zapatero; the FARC, the ELN, Hamas, Hezbollah; the plugged in, in general, crying, because they will not be able to continue legitimizing dirty money through them and Putin, Xi Jinping, Erdogan, the Iranian ayatollahs, the fat guy from North Korea, charge them very high rates for those same functions.

Contrary to what many think, the deceased has not been sent to the other world, for his role in the looting of PDVSA, for USD 22,000 million. That’s not a sin for such a gang. The truly serious thing was not having distributed the loot, as required by the robo-Lucionary redistribution of wealth.

We predict worse times for you. It’s a promise, too.


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