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The Pichy Boys attack Cuban artists and influencers who do not support the protests in Cuba

The Pichy Boys attack Cuban artists and influencers who do not support the protests in Cuba

Los Pichy Boys They have shared a video on their Instagram account in which Alejandro Gonzálezone of the members of the popular comedy duo, launches a direct message dedicated to all Cuban artists, personalities and influencers who are not supporting and ignoring the massive protests that have been taking place in recent days in Cuba.

“It’s about supporting the people who are on the streets and supporting the people who are on the streets and you have to know and have to keep track of who these bastards are who are not with us, who are not supporting us, but “They are the first to stop and ask you to buy them a ticket to a concert, to buy them a ticket to a theater, to download their music, to follow them, like them, and share their videos.”Alejandro first commented in the audiovisual.

Then he added: “It’s not about that, we can not only be with the people and with the people when we want them to see us, when we want them to buy us a ticket to the theater, when I want you to like a video. It’s about having commitment with your people”.

“I am not asking you to tie a vest and sacrifice yourself, but be committed to your people and be consistent with your public. With the public that supports you, with the public that put you where you are. And it is a duty and an obligation “of all the Cuban artists and Cuban personalities, that every time these people take to the streets we have to support them. Everything we are doing we have to knock it down and start supporting those people.”he concluded.

The reactions from the followers of Los Pichy Boys have not been long in coming and many are those who support and agree with Alejandro’s words.

“He is also a brother. It is about respect and dignity”, “It would be good to mention the names of the Cuban artists who have not spoken out in favor of the protests”, “The influencer who does not support the people at this moment does not deserve the support of the people, coherence” or “I have stopped following a few. Cuba first, Homeland and Life”, are some of the comments that can be read in the post.

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