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The pollster and political analyst Ricardo Rouvier died

The sociologist and head of Rouvier & Asociados, one of the main pollsters in the country, passed away this Monday. causes are unknown

For iProfessional

02/01/2023 – 1:25 p.m.

The sociologist and political analyst Ricardo Rouvierthe head of the polling firm Rouvier & Asociados, died this Monday, confirmed his relatives, for reasons unknown up to now.

Historically linked to peronismwas one of the main political consultants in the country and frequently conducted opinion polls for peronism.

Rouvier had a degree and professor in Sociology from the University of Buenos Aires, and also had postgraduate studies in psychology and epistemology. He has also worked as a university professor since 1972, teaching classes at the University of San Andrés, the National University of Lomas de Zamora, the University of Palermo and the University of Salvador, among others.

In addition, he frequently served as advisor to political leaders and parliamentarians and collaborated with columns and opinion analysis in various media outlets. In 2004, she published the book “The debt of politics.”

Various relatives, analysts and political leaders received Rouvier’s death with sadness and expressed their sorrow on social networks. Fernando “Chino” Navarro, leader of the Evita Movement and secretary of Parliamentary Relations of the national government, stated on Twitter that “Ricardo Rouvier was an example of intellectual honesty and professionalism in the environment of polls and political analysis. But above all, he was a great person. An affectionate greeting to his family and loved ones in this difficult moment”.

“It is with sadness that I receive the news of the death of Ricardo Rouvier, a teacher and professional with great passion and analytical acumen. I had the joy of meeting him and learning from him. My deepest condolences to his family and loved ones,” he said for his part. the former Minister of Agriculture Julián Domínguez.

The death of the consultant Ricardo Rouvier surprised the entire political sphere

“Very sad news. Huge loss. It was always a pleasure to listen to him and share tables and meetings with him. He will be missed for his analysis and professional contributions and also as a person for his treatment and generosity. Thank you for everything,” he added. Fernando Peiranohead of the National Agency for the Promotion of Research, Technological Development and Innovation.

“A sad start to the year with the loss of dear Ricardo Rouvier. I’m going to miss you a lot. A big hug to Silvina and all her family. An original thinker in the choir of repeaters. Peronist, Sociologist and River fan. Goodbye, Ricardo” , affirmed for his part the Argentine ambassador in Ecuador, gabriel fuks.

Ricardo Rouvier died: the farewell to his colleagues

Rouvier’s colleagues in the field of political analysis also expressed their condolences. “Ricardo Rouvier, a great guy and a great colleague, has passed away. I was lucky to work and share many spaces with him: always lucid and generous. Always with humor, commitment and refined intelligence. Passionate about reading and about the political life of the country. Bye, teacher,” said consultant Ignacio Ramírez.

Along the same lines, the political scientist Mario Riorda described him by stating that “Ricardo Rouvier was a generous soul, an argumentative man, committed and always ready. Years and years in consulting where he taught and allowed himself to be taught.”

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