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The Pope says that the Church is open to all, including homosexuals

The Pope says that the Church is open to all, including homosexuals

DRAFTING.– Pope Francis assured this Sunday that the Catholic Church «is open to all, including homosexuals” and that “then each one chooses God in his own way”at the press conference on the return flight from Lisbon to participate in World Youth Day (WYD).

The pope responded to his words during WYD where on a couple of occasions he spoke of the Church that must be open “to everyone, everyone, everyone.”

“Everyone chooses God for their own path and the Church guides them. I don’t like to say yes to some and no to others. Each one looks for a way to move forward,” Francisco said.

And he added that “you cannot say no to homosexuals” and to others yes because “the Lord is clear, he does not distinguish between sick and healthy, old and young or handsome and ugly.” “This is not a company that has to be authorized to enter”he added.

“I do not like reductions, it is not Christian,” he said.

In a recent interview with the Spanish magazine Vida Nueva, Francis reiterated that “transsexuals are children of God.”

«The Gospel is for everyone. It is a principle that moves me a lot and that is my philosophy. Jesus says: ‘Go and bring everyone to me, healthy and sick, just and sinners.’ To all. And here they all come. If the Church does not have what Jesus taught her, she is not the Church. Everyone has to feel inside, to be welcomed inside. We cannot give up on that, because the Lord taught us,” says the pope in this interview.

And he added: “For this reason, I am not worried that some will throw me in the face that I receive in the general audience on Wednesdays for transsexuals.”

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