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The poverty basket grew in 2022 more than inflation: 100.3%

poverty spreads in the country hand in hand with inflation / archive

The basic basket increased 4.5% in December, so a family with two children needed to have an income of $152,515 to avoid falling below the poverty line, reported INDEC. In the same way, that household needed $67,187 a month to not be considered indigent.

The report from the statistical agency indicated that in annual terms, the total basic basket had an increase from end to end in 2022 of 100.3%, within the framework of general inflation of 94.8 percent in the same period. The indigence line, for its part, had an advance of 103.8% last year.

The two items are decisive for measuring the impact of the economic crisis on social indicators. This happens because the total basic basket –which in addition to food includes other spending items such as clothing, health, transportation or education– determines the so-called “poverty line”. Households with incomes below the CBT are those that are considered poor.

In the same way, the food basket -which has a limited scope to basic necessities- is what configures the “indigence line”: those families that do not manage to cover the necessary income to acquire the CBA are indigent, according to Infobae .

To measure both baskets, the usual consumption of a household made up of four members (a 35-year-old man, a 31-year-old woman, a 6-year-old son and an 8-year-old daughter) are taken as a statistical example. However, INDEC also shares the level of expenses that other types of families must face to cover their basic needs. The fact that the CBT and the CBA have closed 2022 with adjustments greater than 100%, generates strong pressure on the levels of poverty and indigence.

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