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The power of Andrus and Robert give the victory to the White Sox over the Reds – Hola News

Sports Writing, May 5 (EFE).- Venezuelan Evis Andrus hit a three-run home run and Cuban Luis Robert hit one of two runs to break the tie and thus the Chicago White Sox defeated this Friday 6-5 the Cincinnati Reds.

With the victory, the White Sox achieved their fourth win in their last five games, after leaving behind a chain of 10 consecutive losses.

To get the win, the White Sox had to come from behind, after the Reds took an early three-run lead (3-0).

The Reds’ first run came in the third inning, on a double by TJ Friedl, off pitches from White Sox starter Lance Lynn.

Jake Fraley was in charge of bringing the second to the scoreboard in the fourth chapter, with an undisputed drive to left field.

In that same fourth inning, Nick Senzel, also with an unstoppable to left field, brought a teammate to the buzzer, for the Reds’ third round in the match.

The White Sox responded forcefully in the fifth inning.

Andrus hit a pitch into the strike zone off right-hander Hunter Greene (0-2), who started for the Reds, depositing the ball in the left-field stands with two runners on to tie the game.

Despite the blow received, the Reds retook the lead in that same fifth inning, with a home run drive by Jonathan India.

The White Sox came out determined to take the game and after an indisputable hit from Dominican Eloy Jiménez, who extended his string of consecutive games hitting the ball from no man’s ground to eight games, Cuban Robert punished Greene.

The ball disappeared from the park to place two runs on the scoreboard, which gave the White Sox the definitive advantage.

Lynn (1-4) pitched 6.2 four-run innings and struck out eight batters to clinch the win for the White Sox.

Dominican Reynaldo López (4) pitched the ninth easily to win the save.

The loss went to Greene (0-2), who was hit for five runs and struck out seven batters.

For the White Sox, Andrus scored a run and produced three, Robert was left with a run and two RBIs and Jiménez stepped on the plate in one opportunity.

For the Reds, India had a run scored and an RBI.

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