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The pragmatic definition of the president

Let us recognize that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has not been obfuscated by the intensity of his internal battles over electoral politics and has shown that, beyond the narratives, are the interests of Mexico.

The idea of ​​replacing the United States dollar as the world’s main currency has been discussed for some time within the BRICS —Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa—, of course, suggesting the Chinese yuan, the second largest economy in the world. .

Pragmatic, the president explained: “the dollar is a strong currency; the national economy is integrated with the Canadian and American ones by a trade agreement, for which reason Mexico continues to consider the dollar as the main currency in the world”. Doubts?

They did not intimidate the Supreme Court

It is encouraging that the Supreme Court did not give in to pressure or allow itself to be intimidated by the boasts of the ruling party and, with a vote of nine to two, declared the first part of the electoral “plan B” approved by Congress unconstitutional.

If, as everything indicates, the second part of “plan B”, which dismantles part of the structure of the National Electoral Institute, is also declared unconstitutional, the burden of a good presidential election would pass to the INE.

This does not mean that the ruling party will give up its efforts to load the data by June 2, 2024, as the Secretary of the Interior Adán Augusto López offered when he predicted that if they annul “plan B”, they have a “plan C”. ”.

A paradox, the transition of trade unionism

In 2018, the team of President-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador enthusiastically accepted the labor clauses of the T-MEC, because they would make it easier for the new government to dismantle the union corporatism built by the PRI and preserved by the PAN.

Thus, the head of the STPS Luisa María Alcalde has energetically applied the labor reform, perhaps without anticipating that the replacement of the cetemistas and chromistas unions by “independents” could leave union control in the hands of the AFL-CIO in the future.

The success of replacing the old unions with “independents” lies in the experience of the great union of the United States, which has dedicated resources and personnel to prepare the new leaders who will owe everything to the AFL-CIO.

swirling notes

Surely there will be a good atmosphere in the video call that President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will have today with President Joseph Biden, because, although so many doubt it, Palacio arrives with a certain advantage… Those who speculate about the preparation of the lists of candidates and Candidates for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, shorten your lists, as many deputies and senators will seek re-election… In August, as a test, the first trains will travel the tracks of the Mayan Train… Who believes the story? that the “people” demanded punishment of the PAN real estate cartel?… Will the Inegi update the basket of goods and services with which it measures inflation according to new consumption habits… In times of female empowerment, this phrase from Dorothy is valid Parker: “Any woman who aspires to behave like a man surely lacks ambition”…

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