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The President suggested that he would go to a STEP against Cristina Kirchner

Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner the last time they saw each other was in the legislative assembly / archive

The internal of the official coalition does not stop and everything seems to settle in the STEP. Last night, President Alberto Fernández asked that they not rush him so that he “gets off” for re-election. “I want to win the election,” he explained. And he added: “With the best candidate we have,” he specified. “If I believed that Cristina’s blessing would win an election, I would not do anything,” he said. “When I accompanied him to Randazzo it was to go to a STEP. In fact, we did not break anything, we went for the PJ ”, he indicated.

“The problem is not whether I want Cristina Kirchner to drive or not, I want Cristina to drive by popular decision, and I want to drive if people say so,” he explained and recalled that although he was appointed by his current vice president That decision made him “a lot of noise.”

And regarding the phrase that he would seek to end 20 years of Kirchnerism, he denied it: “It is not in my plans because I am a Kirchnerist.”

new strategy?

Meanwhile, Kirchnerism would seek a way for the President to give up competing in the open, simultaneous and mandatory primaries (PASO). If last week, when Mauricio Macri announced his decision not to compete this year at the polls, they went directly to demand that he imitate that gesture and get off, now the sector headed by Cristina Kirchner would try a new strategy to smooth out the aspirations of the head of State for re-election: if Alberto wants to go to a STEP, there will be a STEP, but in all sections of the ballot. In other words, “Albertismo” should have its own candidates for governor, legislators and mayors, according to reports.

“The Frente de Todos is following the electoral strategy proposed by President Alberto Fernández,” the Minister of the Interior of the Nation and eventual candidate for the presidency for Kirchnerism, Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, excused himself over the weekend. And he recalled that the President, in his role as head of the Justicialista Party, ordered that “there be a STEP to define candidacies.” This situation, he explained, would force the ruling party to go to the primaries “with two formulas.”

What De Pedro failed to point out were the efforts that La Cámpora is making so that Fernández give up the search for a second term, leading the ruling party to take a STEP that it did not expect, leaning on the idea that Cristina Kirchner was the one who determine the candidacies.

Nor did the Minister of the Interior mention that if the president insists with the inmates in the Frente de Todos, he should have “pure” candidates to compete in all categories.

“If there is a STEP in the Frente de Todos, it should be in all categories,” added, according to the newspaper Perfil, a Kirchnerist who daily exhausts the province of Buenos Aires, capital of the budding electoral strategy.

“It is rare that Alberto says that he wants to end Kirchnerism and at the same time wants to have Kirchnerist candidates on his ballot,” they questioned in the Frente de Todos. And they exemplified that not even Axel Kicillof would be “hanging” from Alberto Fernández or the candidate that the president proposes in the primaries, according to the journalistic version.

The interview on YouTube

Meanwhile, Alberto Fernández affirmed that Argentina is “an independent country and has the right to link up with whomever it deems appropriate” for its interests and clarified that its “enemy is not any of the comrades who are in the Front of All” but “his The adversary is macrismo, it is the recalcitrant right”.

In addition, he asserted that the Frente de Todos has “concern for the weakest sectors of society. Cristina (Kirchner) said that politics is representation of interests and we represent the middle class and the impoverished sectors of Argentina, we do not want to represent the financial world, the banks, the factual power of Argentina”.

“It is not in my plans to end Kirchnerism because I am a Kirchnerist”

“The only aspiration I have is for the Frente de Todos to win. I want us to choose the one who can make us win. I think there are actors who can appear on stage and be candidates,” the President said in statements to the YouTube channel “The Rebord Method.”

He also assured that he sees “competitive Peronism” in the face of the elections and asked that they “listen to the things that our adversaries say.”

And he criticized the presidential candidates and leaders of other parties who “speak with great detachment from the humblest sectors of Argentina, with great indifference to the middle sectors.”

He also maintained that the opposition “for years tried to get me to ‘hand over’ Cristina, but they don’t know me, because I would never do that, because Cristina doesn’t deserve it.”

And he marked, on the cause called Highway: “What worries me the most is the conviction of an innocent woman. She is sentenced with a legal account that does not match the reality of what she did. We end up talking about her outlawing and not her innocence. My rejection is to condemnation, because she is innocent ”.

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