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The President will meet this Tuesday with governors for the political trial of Rosatti

Monday, January 2, 2023 | 7:14 p.m.

President Alberto Fernández will meet with governors on Tuesday to analyze the steps to follow in the request for impeachment that he will promote against the head of the Supreme Court, Horacio Rosatti.

The meeting will be held from 10 am and will be the second between the president and governors since the highest court issued a precautionary order in favor of the city of Buenos Aires on the proportion of federal co-participation funds for the district.

Last Sunday morning, before traveling to Brazil to participate in the presidential inauguration of Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, Fernández announced that the decision to promote a request for impeachment against the head of the Supreme Court -also president of the Council of the Magistracy – had the support of governors.

In a public letter released last Sunday, on the first day of the year, the president also added that it will be requested that “the conduct of the remaining members of the highest court be investigated.”

“I have summoned the governors who accompanied the National State in its petition against the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires so that, together, we promote the impeachment of the president of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation Horacio Rosatti,” said the president. through a letter that the Casa Rosada spread.

In addition, in an interview with C5N in Brazil, Fernández expressed his “concern about what has happened in recent months, since there was a permanent advance of the Supreme Court over the other powers of the Argentine Republic and the republic demands three independent powers “.

“What the Court did with the co-participation issue of the city of Buenos Aires becomes an act of interference” of justice, he considered.

And he pointed to Rosatti when saying that, in addition to being head of the Court, “he has the particularity of being president of the Council of the Magistracy, a consequence of the fact that he declared the unconstitutionality of a law with more than 16 years of validity that had been approved by The congress”.

“By virtue of that, he proclaimed himself president of the Council of the Magistracy,” he warned. Fernández added that “one has seen very obscene things in view of the public and in a State of Law; what we saw in Lago Escondido was terrible. Nobody said ‘we did not travel, they did not pay me for the trip'”, alluding to the trip of judges, prosecutors, Buenos Aires officials and media businessmen to that Patagonian area.

He assured that he personally made the decision to promote Rosatti’s impeachment because “I am absolutely convinced, I proposed that justice review itself and I expected it to do something, but obviously it does not and we have reached an extreme situation. It is a decision that I took.”

The conflict is raised by the ruling in which the Supreme Court of Justice ordered the national government to pay the city of Buenos Aires 2.95% of the mass of co-participating taxes, giving rise to the claim that the administration led by Horacio had initiated. Rodriguez Larreta.

After that ruling, 18 governors -with nuances- rejected what was decided by the Court and denounced that it was a regression in the federal system of government.

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